About Us


Christina Brunette, Age 6

At age 6, Christina Brunette was told she had an inoperable tumor on her spinal column. The prognosis devastated her and her family. Although her condition appeared bleak, Paul and Angela, her parents, were consistently uplifted by the support of family and friends. They also looked to God and the scriptures for encouragement and hope during this tough time.

Christina endured a difficult year of radiation and chemotherapy treatments. Her tumor shrunk and then disappeared! She is now a healthy young lady and often visits other sick children diagnosed with cancer, offering them the same comfort and hope she received through the scriptures and through prayer.

Every week hundreds of children are diagnosed with cancer. At the time of diagnosis, the children and their families feel overwhelmed with the news. It is important for them to be reminded that God loves them and is neither punishing nor abandoning them. He will be there with them through this frightening time. It is also important for them to know that the community cares for them, which is why we need your help.

Super Baskets of Hope Project


Basket of Hope's mission is to give hope to children diagnosed with cancer or other serious illness through the delivery of a Basket of Hope filled with toys, games, craft items, stuffed animals, gift cards, and other items.  Hope Totes are optional for the parents and contain gifts to nourish them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

“May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him.”
Romans 15:13

So . . . what's in the basket? Click here to find out!